A hotel in Rimini is offering couples a 5- to 7-night stay at its property for one euro per night. But here’s the catch: you can only get the deal if you give up your privacy.
The aptly named Stupido Hotel, which is located along Rimini’s famous beachfront, is offering couples the chance to stay in its hotel for only one euro per night provided that they agree to be live-streamed during the entirety of their stay.
This unseemly initiative is the brainchild of the “director” Fabio “Siva,” who is working with the crew of Italy’s “Big Brother” (Grande Fratello) reality show.
Per Siva:
We are in the digital age. We are all online at the same time. We are all on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitch. Everyone wants to show themselves. We offer everyone a holiday at the minimum price as long as they pay with privacy.

In addition to having to deal with the thousands (millions?) of digital eyes that will be tuning in, couples will also have to hang out with other couples who have paid the one-euro-plus-privacy price tag. According to Corriere Romagna:
‘Grande Fratello in Albergo’ will take place on the fourth floor, which will be isolated from the rest of the hotel. Three cameras will be installed in three rooms, in the fourth the control room will be set up, where there will also be the voice who will present and comment on the live streaming. Another camera will be placed in the central corridor, where guests will have breakfast together. And another will be installed on the terrace, where there will be deck chairs, umbrellas, and a Jacuzzi for four people. We will remove the doors of the rooms and establish some mandatory common moments, to ensure that couples interact with each other as much as possible.
It’s unclear from that description whether participants will even get to go to the beach. Which makes you wonder—why go to Rimini in the summer if you can’t go to the beach??
Otherwise, the Stupido Hotel seems like a nice-enough three-star, even if its wannabe-subversive red, black, and blue color scheme is a bit overdone. The adults-only hotel is located approximately 200 meters from Bradipo Beach and rooms generally run between €60-150/night. The Stupido also seems to have some very positive reviews on Booking.com. Though, given the management’s thirst for PR, you probably have to take those good reviews with a grain of salt.
The Stupido Hotel deal will run between April 15 and September 1, 2022.
Source: Rimini. Vacanza a 1 euro a notte, ma tutta in diretta
Feature photo of the beach in Rimini via unsplash